Book Binding


Today in class we learned about book binding. Specifically creating our own books using the three hole, and four hole stitch methods.

We created our own books by picking out different types of paper and binding them together with a needle and thread.

I chose to make three different books using both methods. The first book above was the first book I attempted to make- a three hole stitch using construction paper of different colors with a triangle design on top.

The second book I created is the second image above which shows a four stitch method with a thicker metallic perforated paper on top of a multicolor gemstone piece of printer paper. Inside the book the pages alternate between red and pink construction paper.

The third and final booklet I created is a three stitch book with an autumn leaf design on the top, and fall colored printer paper in the middle.

Zine Day!


Today in class we learned about zine culture.

Zines are little independently made, unique, handcrafted magazines that can be made on basically any topic.

A lot of zines are used to express some sort of idea or opinion, or to promote a movement.

Zines can be political, punk, goofy, satirical, dark, goth, cheerful and playful.

In class we tried our hand at creating our own zines and were given an instructional guide (pictured above) on how to fold a regular rectangular piece of paper into a basic zine format.

I chose to make my zine based on funny quotes from my mom that I’ve been collecting over the years.

The zine turned out great, and I was able to give it to my mom in time for her birthday which was nice. This class was really a great time and I had a lot of fun making the zine and seeing the zines that my classmates were able to come up with.


Day 2: Making Process Portfolio

After finally receiving my copy of Make: Analog Synthesizers through the mail, I was able to crack into the book.

The introduction told me a few important things:

  1. Making a synthesizer involves trial, error, and troubleshooting.
  2. A basic understanding of electronics is required.
  3. This hobby is time consuming, and possibly addictive.

Despite the warnings, I kept on reading till the next chapter in which the author describes the things which you should know how to do before learning how to create your own synthesizer.

What You Should Know:

  • How to read a schematic
  • Ohm’s Law
  • How passive components work: resistors, capacitors, coils, transformers, switches, and relays
  • How active components work: diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, and LED’s
  • How to solder and construct electronic projects

My goals for this next week are to do as much research on the items listed above as I can find time for. I also (ideally) would like to purchase a “75 in one electronic experimenter kit” in order to get accustomed to the basic principles of operation for circuits.

The book mentions a “Noise toaster lo-fi noise box” project that is suitable for those with little knowledge of electronics.

This is the project I will set my eyes on, and hopefully through this process be able to recreate.

Till next time ; )

Day 1: Making Process Portfolio

Today I am starting my journey of learning how to create a functioning analog synthesizer.

An analog synthesizer is a synthesizer that uses analog circuits and analog signals to generate sound electronically (Wikipedia).

You may ask, why am I doing this?

I became interested in this project when reading about the interesting, and thriving culture of synthesizer creators.

Synthesizer enthusiasts gather each year in May in order to attend a popular music, art, and technology themed festival called Moogfest. Moogfest is a festival held in Durham, North Carolina which celebrates Robert Moog- the man who pioneered electronic music by commercializing and creating his own “Moog Synthesizer.”

Upon doing a little more research, I discovered that people were actually making their own synthesizers from scratch, and showing off their creations at Moogfest.

I found it inspiring that a group of people sharing a common interest could get together and celebrate the innovations of Robert Moog, and continue his legacy by creating their own synthesizers.

How am I going to do this?

I am going to be gathering as much information as I possibly can from online sources such as webpages and youtube videos; which I will provide links for down below.

I also plan on gathering information from Ray Wilson’s “Make: Analog Synthesizers.”

And finally I plan to get advice regularly through my Dad who is an electrical engineer with a DIY spirit.

What will the final product be?

The final product will hopefully be a personalized functioning synthesizer.


With each new post I hope to include a section where I can reflect on what I have learned, and where I am in the making process.

My Review of Neil Gershenfeld’s “Fab”

img_2324What is it about?

Neil Gershenfeld- a professor at MIT explains his first encounters with personal fabrication and the DIY mindset through his class “How to Make (Almost) Anything.” Gershenfeld describes the process of working collaboratively with his students in an environment where peers teach each other their newfound skills; and sharing and building upon others ideas is encouraged.

Who is the audience?

Those interested in the maker movement and the DIY ethos.

What is the purpose?

Fab brings awareness to the movement of personal fabrication and its significance to the way we will “make” in the future.





Intro to DIY

Here’s my collaboration with Alex on Maker society:

Here are some key terms in understanding the maker society

Critical Making– The hands on productive activities that link digital technologies to society. Bridging the gap between creative physical and conceptual exploration. (Wikipedia)

DIY– The practice of building, modifying, repairing, and essentially making.

Makerspace– Creative, DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn.(oedb.Org)

Maker faire– An event created by Make magazine to “celebrate arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset”. (Wikipedia)

The most useful and interesting site in my opinion was Makezine. The Makezine website provides informational pieces on new and innovative designs and tips and tutorials on how to create these designs on your own. It is a site that is both fun to read and informative.